Over 3M downloads
300k + monthly active users
$185M cards in collection
Scan and Translate
Scan your cards using your phone's camera and add them to your collection. You can also use the scanner to translate cards in up to 11 foreign languages into your own. Find out what every card means no matter where your travels take you.

Track your collection's value
Scan your cards to find out what they're worth. The Card Manager Marketplace tracks the value of all TCG cards, and you can easily keep track of your collection's total value. Channel your inner dragon and gather your treasure in the Card Manager apps.
Connect with friends and share your collection
Connect with friends to see their collections, wishlists and tradelists. You can even duplicate their decks. Control your own profile's features for sharing easily. To invite friends, simply share a link or scan your friend's QR code - connecting has never been so easy!

Stay updated with TCG news
The TCG gaming community is always changing and developing. To keep you informed, the Card Manager apps update you with articles and news. Keep track of new features, the latest developments for your favorite TCG, and more - all in the Card Manager apps.
Frequently Asked Questions
Card Manager is a series of TCG-specific apps created to help players play, connect, share, and trade. The Digital Card Manager apps include: Magic the Gathering (MTG), Flesh and Blood (FaB), Pokémon (Poke TCG).