Solid Color Card Sleeves
Discover the perfect color to represent your deck in battle among our many solid-colored TCG card sleeves. Explore a wide range of textures and colors, each worthy of grand adventures. Choose Matte Sleeves for a textured back that delivers a smooth, reliable shuffle feel, or opt for Matte Dual Sleeves if you're looking to give your cards a striking black backdrop that adds a touch of mystery. Prefer a more classic shuffle feel during intense battles? Choose our Classic Sleeves, offering a sleek shuffle experience with minimal resistance.
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Soul - Matte Dual Sleeves - Standard Size
14.99 USD
Soul - Matte Dual Sleeves - Standard Size
14.99 USD

Blood Red - Matte Sleeves - Standard Size
12.49 USD
Blood Red - Matte Sleeves - Standard Size
12.49 USD