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Card Codex Portfolio 360 - Superman Core

Product number: AT-34005

44.99 USD

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Take flight with a sleek Superman Card Codex, a must-have for collectors and fans alike! With its sleek and elegant design, this portfolio is perfect for storing and displaying your favorite TCG cards.

The reinforced cover of the Card Codex features stunning artwork of the iconic superhero Superman, rendered in high-quality detail. The reinforced cover ensures that your cards are safe and secure inside and the convenient elastic strap keeps the Codex shut when not in use.

The Card Codex holds up to 360 cards with 20 sideloading 18-pocket pages. Pocket pages have rounded corners and soft touch edges making the Card Codex a joy to flip though. The black textured backing brings a sleek look to your collection.


  • Holds up to 360 cards
  • Convenient elastic strap
  • Label included for spine

SUPERMAN and all related characters and elements ©&™DC WB SHIELD: ©&™WBEI. (s23)